Gynaecomastia surgery , (Commonly referred to as ‘Man Boobs’) or Male Breast Reduction is a Plastic Surgery operation to remove the abnormal fat or breast tissue to achieve a more natural male appearance of the chest. Cosmetic Surgeon in Kolkata Dr. Akhilesh Agarwal provides the most advance procedure for a natural result.
It is performed to restore a more natural male appearance to the chest.
Gynaecomastia either true breast tissue or fat deposition, is common during puberty. Gynaecomastia surgery is carried out to improve Male body shape .However, this physiological gynaecomastia usually resolves in the majority of young men. These will need to be excluded prior to any treatment for gynaecomastia, blood tests and Ultrasound scans may be required.
The type of gynaecomastia surgery procedure required to achieve the best result will depend on the amount of fat deposit and breast tissue present. Rarely is it necessary to remove skin from the breast, therefore scarring should be minimal. A careful assessment will be required and the optimum gynaecomastia surgery will be discussed at the time of your Consultation.
Remember gynaecomastia surgery boost your self-confidence and enjoyment of life.